YAPASDEPROBLEME HOTEL supports and promotes local artists, craft industry, and products from associations.

Permanent exhibition

The decoration of the hotel is supplied by a gallery of artists. You can buy all the exhibited objects

"Galerie Songhoy Shop Art Club" - Mr Alassane Maïga - Tel: (00 223) 7601 06 68/ 674 74 81 - songhoyshopart_club(at)yahoo.fr

Temporary exhibition

Alaye Kene Atô, a native from the village of Yendouma Atô, in the Dogon country, began drawing after an accident. His paintings show a deep originality, full of terrific “genies”, ritual and sacrificial scenery connected with his personal, inner history.


Sales of products from associations


The women of ESSEM ASSOCIATION prepare hand crafted, natural karité based soap: without any coloring nor preservative, it has a very white texture and does not lather much. Karité is a very popular tree in Mali: its butter is used in food, but also in cosmetics, thanks to its numerous properties ( hydrating the skin and hair, healing agent for wounds and burns, refreshing agent for muscle aches). This soap is wrapped in a cover of Malian cloth sewed by women of the association.

YAPASDEPROBLEME HOTEL supports also the ESSEM ASSOCIATION. You will find those soaps in your bedrooms. (you can also buy them at the reception).


ESSEM ASSOCIATION works also to promote environment: it makes objects (bags, purses, balls..), from plastic bags. These bags are gathered in the town, then they are washed, cut into slices and crocheted by the women of the association. They also make bags/shopping bags from caps of used bottles. All of these objects are to be sold in the hotel.

Contact ESSEM: Mrs Toumoutou Ouologuem (00 223 ) 7347 84 74



TANIMA 2000 ASSOCIATION acts in Mali for durable development for fifteen years. This association works in the fields of agriculture, new plantation of trees, education, water and health.

More particularly, the Akadi project, based on solar powered technologies for the drying of vegetables and fruit today enables 20 villages from the region of Baguineda (60 kms from Bamako), to preserve and eat these vegetables and fruit all over the year, and to highly improve the dietary balance in those villages. With the sale of these dried products (onions, mango, papaya, banana, dabléni, gnamacou), the Akadi project progressively becomes self sufficient.

Association Tanima 2000
    Contact in Mali : Ablaye Congoulba : (00 223) 7628 03 46
    Contact in France : Fanny Bréchard : 06 81 01 11 50